The Robot
There was a robot that we had to build in this course. The robot had to have 2 circuit boards, 6 led lights, a twin-motor gearbox, a case to hold everything together, 2 wheels, a 2 battery holder, and 2 switches. The goal of the robot was to act like a Roomba vacuum cleaner.
Here in this image you can see the first circuit board that I have ever built. You can see the four relays attacted to the board and you can see the wires. Those wirers will either be attacked later on to the other ciruit board or will be attacked to the motor.
Here you can see my second board, which consist of a chip holder, three resistors, and all the wire conections, which conect circuit board 1 and 2 together.
Here you can see my final project of the my board and if you click on the image you can watch my video of my robot.